Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on health care discipline that focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system, providing diagnosis, treatment and preventive care for disorders related to the spine, pelvis, nervous system and joints. Chiropractors use a combination of treatments, all of which are predicated on the specific needs of the individual patient.
Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including, muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage Therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with every day and occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.
Physiotherapy is a client-focused, health profession dedicated to improving quality of life through the promotion of mobility, physical activity, wellness and function; the prevention of disease, injury, functional decline, and disability; and the management and rehabilitation of acute injuries and chronic conditions to optimize physical performance and prevent re-occurrence or re-injury.
The practice of Chiropody is the assessment of the foot and the treatment and prevention of diseases or disorders of the foot by therapeutic, surgical, orthotic and palliative means. Chiropody is practiced by qualified, regulated practitioners who have undergone government established and recognized programs and examinations. Definition from Ontario Society of Chiropodists, 2016
Contemporary Acupuncture takes an ancient therapy and re-defines its mechanisms and effects using present-day scientific understanding of human physiology. Acupuncture produces many of its effects by stimulating nerve receptors in skin and muscle, allowing the release of various substances that cause an increase of local blood flow that encourages tissue healing.